HABITS SHAPE US. Some of your habits are obvious to you and some go on without notice. But large or small, habits are often the most powerful elements in our formation. These daily habits and routines are sometimes called liturgies. Liturgies are thoughts, words, and actions that are repeated over and over, and by that repetition shape us. But we often relegate our faith and our daily life to separate spheres. Biblical Liturgies (including the liturgy of our Sunday morning worship) are meant to deepen us more and more in a distinctly Christian way of living that integrates the spheres of faith and daily life. Much of Christian formation is intentionally developing liturgies that lead us to resist the World's idea of the good life (power, greed, sex, busyness, etc...) and instead embrace God's definition of the good life.
Adapted from the habits developed by Justin Earley in his book, The Common Rule, The GOOD LIFE will include two daily liturgies and two weekly liturgies. This year's discipleship initiative is not meant to earn God’s love or the praise of others, but to cultivate habits that deepen our love for God and neighbor. Join us in 2021 in making some new habits.